Thursday, January 8, 2015

Hide and Seek

HIDE and SEEK. We all know the game we played as children and the joy we found in the simple task of seeking out those who were hidden or even being the one who was hiding! Today I was reading in Proverbs 8 and there were three verses that really stuck me!

"I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me." Proverbs 8:17 
"Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors. For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord."             Proverbs 8:34-35
 How do you seek God? The simple answer is scattered throughout the rest of Proverbs 8

(Proverbs 8:1, 6, 32, 34)

 (Proverbs 8)

This chapter of Proverbs is told through the eyes of Lady Wisdom and is written to give us insight into what can make us wise, So the next question, logically, is How does one gain wisdom? Wisdom comes from instruction.  In Proverbs 22:6 says:
"Train up a child in the way he should go"
This means learning from our parents and even a mentor. For those of us who have been Christians for a time should be seeking out "students" or others to mentor. Why? Did not Jesus go and seek out his disciples?!?! They did not come to him and ask to be taught, no he went out to them and said come follow me so that I can teach you to reach the World! 

Another way we gain wisdom is through reading the words of the Bible and through the many Christians who have come before us and learned from their experience. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states:
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work."
Always be in prayer and listen when you pray! You never know what kind of wisdom you will receive when you seek God in Prayer!

So God is the mystery (1 Corinthians 2:7) or that which is "hidden" and we are to seek Him out and learn and be loved! I know when I was little if we found someone we got giddy and jumped around and said "I found you!" The cool part is God also seeks out what is hidden in our hearts and exposes it so that we may be transformed and renewed and be closer to Him!!

This is my prayer for you:

I am weak but thou art strong
Jesus keep me from all wrong
I'll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to thee
Just a closer walk with thee
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
Daily walking close to thee
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
When my feeble life is over
Time for me will be no more
Guide me gently, safely o'er
To thy kingdom's shore, to thy shore
Just a closer walk with thee
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
Daily walking close to thee
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

21 Days without Netflix

As I was doing my devotions this morning I came across, not by accident it was in the reading plan, 1 Chronicles 21: 18-27.  This passage of scripture is about King David. Gad, a prophet, had been commanded by an angel of God to tell David to raise an alter on Ornan's threshing floor. (For those of you who don't know a threshing floor is where the harvest takes place and is collected and the chaff is removed.) So David went out to Ornan's place and offered to buy it so that he could build an alter to the LORD. However, Ornan told him he could just have it, but what David said next is was sparked a fire in me:
" But King David said to Ornan, 'No, but I will buy them for the full price. I will not take for the LORD what is yours, nor offer burnt offerings that cost me nothing.'" 
                                                                                                                    - 1 Chron. 21:24
I will not offer that which has cost me nothing...

There are so many different directions my brain goes, homiletics wise, with this phrase, but they one that impacts me most is what we, today, offer to God.  You see we today tend to offer God things that cost us nothing.  We do not sacrifice the things we enjoy often enough just to be with the LORD.  I know plenty of people who stay home from church because their favorite football team is playing or they leave as soon as church "lets out" so they don't miss too much of it.  I also know plenty of people who work on Sunday's when they don't have to just to make a little extra cash.  I know people who don't do their devotions because they have homework to do or yard work or didn't set their alarm early enough (I'm even guilty of this).  There are plenty of excuses to not spend time with God, I bet you could think of plenty of them that you or someone you know has used even in the past week.  But sacrifice is what being a follower and lover of Jesus is all about.  We laid down our lives for the work of the Lord when we confessed with our mouths that Jesus as our Savior (Romans 10:9). However, most of us tend to forget this sacrifice, especially those of us who live in places where we are not persecuted on a daily basis.

For many reasons we find ourselves wondering where God is and what he is doing in our lives, but mainly because we fail to spend time with Him, reading his word, listening for his voice, and resting in his peace.  But none of those reasons are good reasons. They are simply excuses. We are told to meditate on God's word day and night (Joshua 1:8 and Psalm 1:2) and to never stop praying (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), but we tend to forget.  Now am I saying your whole day should be consumed with God? Yes!! However, that does not mean you fail to clean the house or do what is required of you at work.  I'm saying when you feel the need to gossip, pray for that person instead. When you want to complain about life, bring your concerns to God. When you are frustrated because this is the third day you have had to redo a chore because the kids or your husband left it dirty, messy, or out of order, Thank God for those people in your life and pray that they would have a good day.  In your devotions memorize scripture, get index cards and place them so that you can memorize. When a verse pops into your head think about it. Don't just read through a book or chapter or verse to say you did your devotions, read it two or maybe three times, grab a highlighter and discover what "jumps" out at you. Ask God what he is saying to you through these verses.  Don't let life go by without knowing Jesus because you couldn't sacrifice.

So what will I be sacrificing? You guessed it, Netflix.  My I'm bored and have nothing else or don't want to do anything else time waster.  I asked God what I had in my life that I could give up for the sake of spending time with him and started listing off what I could give up. Facebook, I'm not on it so often that it consumes more than 30min of my day.  Pinterest, still not overly time consuming (anymore- used to be though). 1 meal a day- Sometimes I forget to eat anyway so that didn't work.  And then there was a small whisper, Netflix.  Yesterday I probably spend 5+ hours watching Netflix. Often times its when I'm doing something else, but still it took my mind off all things including spending time with God. So for the next 21 days I will not be watching Netflix.  Why, because it is a sacrifice. It is going to be hard not to want to open my computer and watch Criminal Minds, some Food Network or HGTV show when I feel bored or just don't want to do anything else.  My husband and I like to watch things on Netflix together sometimes, but I'm giving up that as well.

So what will you sacrifice? Have a plan and write it down.  Let someone know so they can hold you accountable! I dare you to experience what God may have for you when you do.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

It's the Little Things

Today I was sitting at my kitchen table just working on some homework and listening to a random top hits playlist when the song All of Me by John Legend came up.  I was mindlessly singing along while typing up my paper when I heard a second voice singing with me.  No one else was home so I looked around to see who could be singing with me and of course no one was there. So I stopped singing and the second voice remained and it completely drowned out the voice of John in the background.

Now this may sound crazy to some of you, but I believe that there is a God who works and speaks through anything. We do find an example of this in the Bible where God uses a donkey to get his word across to his prophet  Balaam. (If you care to read that story you will find it in Numbers 22).

As I was listening I teared up and when it got to the chorus and I was able to sing along with my savior.  For those of you who have read my previous blogs you will find that I have struggled with feeling that I am enough. Pretty enough, a good enough Christian, a good enough wife, or even a good enough person.  Now these are all lies the devil uses in my life playing off of my insecurities, yes I do think the devil knows my insecurities just as Christ does. I have allowed these lies to penetrate my life every now and again and they tend to wreck me. In fact sometimes I go into a mini depression because I just don't feel like what I am is enough, but today I was reminded through a song that God love ALL of me with All of Him no matter what.

Today I felt like God's favorite. Granted because he is omnipresent everyone is his favorite, but today I can say the love of my heavenly father poured out from heaven and broke me free of the insecurities I was feeling today. Now they may resurface, but this experience is one I will keep in my heart forever to use against those thoughts and take them captive as we are instructed to do in 2 Corinthians.

Praise God for all that is able to do for he is the true overcomer of all my fears, insecurities, sins, etc. 

So I will challenge you today to keep your heart, mind, eyes, and ears open because you never know when God will amaze you!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Let's Talk Labels

Over the past week we have been talking about the power of labels in the lives of youth as the develop and grow. I myself have really been forced to look back at the label that were placed on me by my family, peers, and elders and face them for better or for worse. It scared me. Insecurities that I have not felt in years came hurling back at me and I felt so small.  These labels weren't all bad by any means, but they all were so limiting.

For example: In school I had labeled myself as Christian. Now I will be the first to admit that I did not do a good job representing Christ to my peers in high school, but it was still a label I attempted to own.  This label in and of itself is not a bad thing, but it put certain pressures on me.  I absolutely NEEDED to be perfect.  Not only did I have to be a good student, but I had to be a perfect person and I felt that meant that everyone needed  to like me in order for me to get to the point of effectively sharing Christ with them.  Its a messed up theology, but give me a break I was little. 

Another label that was put upon me in church, at school, and even in public was "chunky" or "fat". I actually had someone within the walls of the church tell me that I was fat and needed to lose weight or I wouldn't find a husband.  YIKES!! Just imagine the impact that statement had on me.  By the way I'm now very happily married for almost 3 months and my husband loves everything about me. Even though I am not perfect (GO GOD!!)

Those are just a couple of the label that were placed on me and they, even today, can have a huge impact upon my emotions, thoughts, and desires. 

My favorite labels I've ever received were that of Daughter, Sister, Cousin, Friend, and now Wife. Now each one of these labels has a pressure that goes along with it, but they are also labels of love and acceptance.  You see these labels don't and shouldn't put the pressure on me to be perfect, but to be loving, kind, and joyful!! Be labeled as a brother, sister, mom, dad, cousin, aunt, uncle, friend, husband, wife, lover, caregiver, encourager, etc. are all meant to be blessings.  These labels scream beauty and relationship to me.  They are without boundaries in the success you can have within them. I know I will always make my father (earthly and heavenly) proud. I know my mom will love me no matter what. Even my siblings will love and tolerate me despite how crazy I can be.  I love these labels.

However, I do realize that not everyone feels the same about labels.  For some daughter can equal fear, son brings about memories of disappointment, etc. There is so much brokenness in our world today, but we are blessed by a Creator who sees us all as beloved children despite what we have done and what labels have been placed upon us.  AMAZING!!! How great it is to know the God that created everything we see will love us unconditionally. Literally unconditionally. No matter what you have done, said, or thought.  The grace of God means you are no longer a convict, you are no longer broken, you are no longer stained. You are clean, beautiful and made new!! I never grow tired of that realization.  Because I am blown away by the love, mercy, grace, kindness, patience, and joy of the Lord. 

I may not know what labels you have placed on yourself or even the labels others or society has placed on you, but I do know to me you are a brother or sister and to God you are a beloved and treasured child.  Your only label is LOVED!!

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16 (English Standard Version)

And you were dead in the trespasses and sins  in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—  among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us,  even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—  and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,  so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.  For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:1-10 (English Standard Version)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Could it be ME?

Lately I have noticed an influx of articles written on what is wrong with the church or what is causing people to leave the church, but in those articles I have noticed that something is missing.  What I have noticed is a lack of responsibility on the part of not only the authors but from church goers in general.  I think the question we need to start asking is not “what is wrong with the church” or “how can we make the church better”, but really “What can I do to make the church a better place?”

Don’t get me wrong I too have a responsibility when it comes to the church, because I am a member of the body of Christ and as we find in Romans 12:4-5 you and I have a specific purpose and place in that body. 

“For as in one physical body we have many parts (organs, members) and all of these parts do not have the same function or use, So we, numerous as we are, are one body in Christ (the Messiah) and individually we are parts one of another (mutually dependent on one another).”
Romans 12:4-5 (Amplified Bible)

I love the way that this is explained in the Amplified Bible, especially the final parenthetical statement “mutually dependent on one another”.  I want you to think about what that means for a moment. To me that means we are meant to lean on, support, pray for, care for, love on, encourage, and even get after one another.  In other words I cannot fulfill my purpose in the church without you and vice versa.  Crazy right!! I had a professor compare the church to a well-oiled machine and if one of the cogs or wheels or gears is off or missing or broken the whole machine is toast.

Another verse that I think we (as the church) really need to focus on is found in Matthew 7:3-5:

“Why do you stare from without at the very small particle that is in your brother’s eye but do not become aware of and consider the beam of timber that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, Let me get the tiny particle out of your eye, when there is beam of timber in your own eye? You hypocrite, first get the beam of timber of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the tiny particle out of your brother’s eye.”
(Amplified Bible)

You can spend all day telling me what you think is wrong with the church and I could do the same, but what would we have accomplished? Honestly the only thing we have accomplished is putting a bad taste for our own church body in our mouths. I can guarantee you will not go to the next service with the same outlook as the week before and I can promise you that your attitude with not be the best either.  What if instead we had taken time to talk about what’s going on in my life and yours? What if we discovered, together, the planks in our eyes and were able to take them to the Father and begin a process of restoration and transformation in ourselves.  Then we can look at our fellow “body” members and help them do the same.  Let’s be honest you cannot just tell someone that they are doing it wrong without them feeling picked on or criticized for who they are (a whole different topic by the way). Because if we are not right within ourselves we will approach them in a way that is not only hurtful, but unloving and that would not be like Christ.  One of my favorite Jesus moments in the bible is when the Pharisees are preparing to stone the woman caught in the act of adultery and ask him to throw the first stone. Now it was obviously a trap. If Jesus threw the stone they would find a way to ridicule him and if He didn't throw the stone he would not be complicit with the law. However, instead he began to write in the sand. Now we have no idea what he wrote, but we all have our speculations. Then after they continued to ask him questions he stood and said “Let him who is without sin throw the first stone” (John 8:7).

I know you are probably wondering why on earth this is one of my favorite Jesus moments, but for me it is a reminder that I cannot consider my sin less than another’s. Whether that is someone in the church or someone who does not know the love of God, I’m no more righteous or holy than my brother or sister and I too make mistakes. But through the blood and grace of Jesus Christ I am picked up off the ground and told (over and over again) to Go and sin no more for I am not condemned. 

I guess what I am trying to say is before you point a finger at the church or even another person consider yourself.  You aren't perfect and you are in fact the church along with everyone else in the beautiful kingdom of God (including your leaders-they are human too!). So instead of placing the blame on someone else or a building open your eyes, ears, and heart to the Spirit and listen to what God has to say to you about you.  The best part about keeping your ears and heart open to the voice of God is that he is not there to condemn you, but to love, forgive, and help you grow. His words are words of grace and mercy not hell fire. 

Do this and let the change in your church begin with you, because you are the church.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

My New Year’s Resolution
                The New Year is a time when we start anew and with some would call a clean slate and, for some, try to erase the memory of the past year. We make resolutions to “better” ourselves, our lives and relationships. We ultimately resolve to do better at whatever it is we think we failed at in the last year.  The top New Year’s resolutions that are made include bettering our lifestyles, that is living healthier and with more fervor for life.  I must admit my resolution always includes trying to lose a little weight.  I am here to propose something a little different this year.

               What if our resolutions were not to just do better than or to be better than or to even forget the mistakes and failed resolutions of last year, What if you and I resolve to capitalize off of what the last year brought.  This means taking the lessons we learned from our failures and success and actually taking them to heart so that we do not make the same mistake again or make the next success that much bigger.  I’m going to throw in a small disclaimer here:  I am not referring to success in terms of money; this is strictly a personal success whatever that is to you. For some it could be the weight you did lose, the relationships you did build or rebuild, maybe for some it is not falling back into the same bad habits that had a part in destroying those relationships or your personal view of yourself.  These are personal victories.  Maybe you had a great year, awesome, what did you learn that can make this next year even better!  What personal victories can you build off of and better yet who else can you help have their own personal victory.

               If there is one thing that I learned this past year it is that my personal victories were achieved with help.  With the support of those I loved I overcame or started to overcome many personal fears, and started to break down and even did break down some emotional walls that had built up in my heart and in my life.  But the crazy part was when they helped me they also had walls come down or fears overcome.  By pushing me and helping me they were able to be more open a vulnerable and have a few personal victories of their own…some they didn’t even know they needed to have.  So I started opening my eyes to those around me who were asking for my help and actually making time to help them and more victories were had. Some came after a tragedy and others came in the midst of another victory, but this I do know, it was not easy.   It took blood sweat and tears and a lot of the time it was not fun, but it was so worth it.

             As Christians we tend to have a multi-faceted resolution.  This includes doing better in our spiritual life; praying more, doing a better job keeping up with our devotions and daily bible readings, bring a certain number of people to Christ.  All of this along with our resolutions to lose weight or eat healthier or even just live a healthier lifestyle.  However, I’m going to issue the same challenge to those of us with the list of resolutions that is double sided.  Don’t try to push a reset button and start over.  Build off of the struggles and victories and share them.  One reason we find it so hard to have a victory is because we keep all of our struggles to ourselves.  Find someone or many someones whom you trust to help push you and hold you accountable.  These will be people who will listen to you and not judge too quickly. Someone who knows your struggle or even someone who can encourage you to not give up, we all need a cheerleader.   Also ask God to open your eyes to the people around you that you can serve.  Just as we need encouragement and sometimes the hard truth so does someone else and you may just be the one they need. This would be an example of iron sharpening iron.  And don’t close yourself off from helping someone else because you don’t have it all together.  Because if you wait till then, well let’s be honest we will never have it all together.

         How many of us try to separate our resolutions into different categories?  I know a few that do and I have as well, but what if we chose not to separate our lives into parts what if we just combined them.  So instead of trying to complete your mile long list one at a time why not pair them up?!  Don’t choose between a healthier physical lifestyle or spiritual one.  Find ways to gain wisdom and live healthy at the same time.  One thing I love to do is exercise while listening to a podcast.  I know it seems kind of weird but when I was listening to an hour long sermon or a twenty minute Joyce Meyer podcast I actually was no longer paying attention to how tired I was, but actually focused on absorbing every little bit of knowledge I could from the person talking into my ear. Oddly enough I remembered more of it after the workout and was able to write down a lot of what I had learned in my journal.  What I’m trying to say here is please don’t pick and choose which part of you to better.
This is my resolution:
I resolve to not forget my struggles
For through them I will gain
A victory
I resolve to let my victories
Be the starting point
To overcome
My failures
I resolve to open my heart,
Ears and thoughts to
The leading of the spirit
So that I may serve
As I am being
I resolve to not go it alone
To be vulnerable
With someone
I love so
That I might overcome
Even more of my
Fear and my
I resolve not to start over
But to finish what
Has begun
In me
I resolve not to attempt to
Control my life in a
Negative way
To let the Lord take control
Of molding me and
Teaching me
To be the
I do however resolve to
Take responsibility
For the parts
Of my life
That I can

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Obsession

How many times do we look in the mirror a day? And not just ladies, men too.  How long do you spend in front of your closet or getting ready because you don't like what you tried on or it just doesn't "look good" on you today? Seriously, think about it.  There is an obsession with ourselves that just takes us over. It's not a good obsession either.  The problem I face and that yes I believe you face too, is an over obsession with what is our outer self. 

The outer self is the body. We obsess about what shape our body is; pear, apple, gourd, stick...macho...etc. We obsess over what we put on it; Armani, Coach, American Eagle, H&M. The style it portrays us as: Punk, Hipster, Prep, Goth. Girls obsess over how to make it appear less flawed: cellulite, big pores, zits, dark spots, plastic surgery.  Both sexes can obsess over hair: Up, down, curly, straight, pixie, long, blonde, brown, red, purple, green, blue, gelled, crimped, or frizzy.  Just think about in general how much time you spend on yourself in the morning.  I know some girls who will get up hours before they need to just to "fix" their apparent "flaws". 

I go to a school where most girls spend at least an hour getting ready and that does not include getting in the shower and when they walk into class at 7:45 they look like they have been up for hours (which they may have been). Me if it's 7:45 class I get out of bed at 7:15 (or at least attempt), brush my teeth, throw my hair in a bun or a braid, and grab some breakfast on the go.  Now after my morning classes are over I do try to spend about 20-30min preparing for the rest of my day, more like an hour if its date night.  All this to say that there seems to be some kind of statement made when you get up to spend time on yourself and I have heard many reasons: 1. Well my body is God's Temple I should put time into myself. 2. If you dress up for the day I will be more successful (you know best dressed aced the test). 3. I just enjoy looking put together. 4. I need to look this way (in other words I'm expected to look this way).  All of these seem to be good reasons, however, this idea of being outwardly beautiful in all aspects has been pounded into our heads basically since the day that we were born. So I discovered that my reasons for getting dressed up just a little for the day were as follows. 1. I was going to work 2. That night was date night and I wanted to look nice for my man. 3. I just felt like it. 4. I had dressed in sweat/yoga pants and tee/sweatshirt most of the week and well people were starting to mention it. 

BINGO! Reason number 4 is the epitome of why I feel the need to dress up most of the times.  I should look nice and professional when going to work that is expected of ALL who enter the work field.  Date night is a big and well I don't want to ever feel like I should stop dressing up for him.  And sometimes yes I have the time and just the desire to look a little nicer than normal. But mostly I get tired of everyone looking at me like I'm some kind of freak for not wearing a pair of buckle jeans and a fancy top every single day.  I feel judged and in that I become self conscious and all my insecurities that I had as a teen flood back into my brain.  I know you all know what I mean by the insecurities we gain in high school.  But what bugs me the most about this obsession is that we, even as Christians, tend to care more about our outward self than our inner self. 

We wake up a little later than planned and skip our morning devotions and justify it by saying I'll do it this afternoon (and we all know sometimes that attitude does mean it won't happen that day at all). Or we forget to send up a quick prayer for our day and for those we love.  This isn't just something that I have observed. It's been me.  I have been so obsessed with this idea of outward beauty and the attention that I got from wearing the nice clothes and having my makeup done, but I sacrificed more of my daily growth in relationship with Christ and my character development than in the end I was willing to sacrifice.  Now I'm not saying that this is everyone.  You could be very well dressed and still have a great relationship with the Lord and props to you, but quit looking your nose down at the person wearing sweats and a band tee to class in the morning. You can dress for success all you want but don't let your attitude become one of superiority. I have seen this happen many times and have been hurt by people that I thought truly cared for me because they commented on the fact that I could dress better. To the girl who calls her body a temple and so she should decorate it as David did; you can make the outside of your temple as ornate and colorful as you want, but God doesn't care so much about what you use to decorate the temple. He care much more about what goes on inside the temple: your thoughts, actions, the state of your heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 says "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.'” Now in this case God was speaking about King Saul. You see his heart had become hardened and bitter towards God and he was no longer living a life that reflected where his kingship came from.  So God took it away.  Saul was afraid of losing his thrown to a mere shepherd boy and he allowed his heart to become angry at David he became so angry he tried to kill him more than once. And when Saul was presented as king the bible mentions that Saul was a handsome man, but as we later see his character and his heart were not so good looking. So look inside yourself are you letting your outward appearance dictate your life and your attitude and maybe ever your relationship with God and others?

Beauty is something that we all deal with and have insecurities about, and the crazy part is that I realized that its not just teens and young adults. This is an issues that breaches any generational gap.  You see I have been called to change the culture of our world.  I don't know if I will be alive to see the outcome of the movement God puts in motion through me, but I do know that something has got to change.  This is my passion. Showing the world that beauty is not makeup caked onto a girls face or having a waist that if you turned side ways you seem to disappear. No beauty is your character. Beauty is love, grace, passion, kindness, loyalty, the attitude you take towards daily life, the way you allow circumstance to shape and effect you. Beauty is found in character and that beauty outshines a girl who looks like a supermodel with a bad attitude any day. So my challenge to you: Quit looking at people as what you see on the outside. I dare you to look into the eyes of someone who you may not think is outwardly very pretty or handsome and discover what you will find in their heart.

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4