Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Searching the Soul: Dealing with Anxiety

How often do you find yourself worrying about they very same thing over and over again? How often have you found that you had already dealt with said worry, but for some reason it has resurfaced?  Ever wonder why? I know I have.

Hopefully we can discover that answer together.

If there is one thing I have learned about my anxiety its this:
                     1) My anxiety is seeded in the fact that I have no control over the situation
                     2) My lack of trust in people and at times God.

I have a hard time letting go.  Now I tend to have a general trust in people; that they will do the right thing or that their intentions are good. But when it comes to dealing with struggles, hurts, finances, etc. I find it much harder to trust that anyone could do it. Basically, if I don't do it there is no way it will turn out right.

What a way to live right?!?!

Actually, it's rather exhausting.

You see as humans we were never meant to carry all of our "issues" by ourselves.

1 Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your anxiety (or cares) on him because he cares for you."


Galatians 6:2 says "Carry each others burdens, and in this way you fulfill the law of Christ."
 * now this does not mean we are not meant to carry our own load, we cannot pass off our cares and burdens and hurts, no they will always be there. However, we are to share in community with our brothers and sisters so that they may intercede for us.  We must remain accountable to those around us.

We were never meant to do life alone. That in itself was made apparent when God created Eve for Adam.

However, if you are anything like me, you tend to forget you are not alone.  Oh trust me, in my heart I know I have people around me who love me and would do anything for me and a God who never leaves nor forsakes me.  But something in my head trumps what my heart knows in these times. This is when I become anxious and worry more than I need to.  Yes, there is what I like to call healthy worry.  For if we never had a care or worry in the world, how can we exercise trust?

So how do we deal with worry? How do you turn off the worry switch and begin to trust and rely on God?

Well to be honest you cannot turn off the worry, but you can lessen the power in hold over your emotions. (and please don't even try to tell me worry does not take hold of your emotions because it does!!)

If you are worried here are a few things to try:
1) Pray about it.  Let God know what's on your mind, trust me he is probably the best listener I've ever met! Plus he is the only one who can truly do anything about it.
2) Share your fears, troubles, anxiety, hurts, etc. with a mentor or a close friend who can keep you accountable. So when you have the same worry again they can remind you of what the Lord has already done for you!! (I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend who reminds me daily how the Lord takes care of it better than I can, especially if I'm just going to sit there and worry about it)
3) Grab your Bible and a notebook.  Write down what it is that seems to be plaguing your mind then begin to search the Word for a word of encouragement, I bet you may even find an answer in there!! Be sure to write down the verse and maybe even thing about committing it to memory!! Who knows when that one verse will be handy.

There you have it. Now I cannot say I remember to do these things whenever I am anxious about really anything so I'm kinda preaching to the choir here, but I'm hoping that sharing it with you will be a continuous reminder to me!!


Ashley S Helgeson