How many times do we look in the mirror a day? And not just ladies, men too. How long do you spend in front of your closet or getting ready because you don't like what you tried on or it just doesn't "look good" on you today? Seriously, think about it. There is an obsession with ourselves that just takes us over. It's not a good obsession either. The problem I face and that yes I believe you face too, is an over obsession with what is our outer self.
The outer self is the body. We obsess about what shape our body is; pear, apple, gourd, stick...macho...etc. We obsess over what we put on it; Armani, Coach, American Eagle, H&M. The style it portrays us as: Punk, Hipster, Prep, Goth. Girls obsess over how to make it appear less flawed: cellulite, big pores, zits, dark spots, plastic surgery. Both sexes can obsess over hair: Up, down, curly, straight, pixie, long, blonde, brown, red, purple, green, blue, gelled, crimped, or frizzy. Just think about in general how much time you spend on yourself in the morning. I know some girls who will get up hours before they need to just to "fix" their apparent "flaws".
I go to a school where most girls spend at least an hour getting ready and that does not include getting in the shower and when they walk into class at 7:45 they look like they have been up for hours (which they may have been). Me if it's 7:45 class I get out of bed at 7:15 (or at least attempt), brush my teeth, throw my hair in a bun or a braid, and grab some breakfast on the go. Now after my morning classes are over I do try to spend about 20-30min preparing for the rest of my day, more like an hour if its date night. All this to say that there seems to be some kind of statement made when you get up to spend time on yourself and I have heard many reasons: 1. Well my body is God's Temple I should put time into myself. 2. If you dress up for the day I will be more successful (you know best dressed aced the test). 3. I just enjoy looking put together. 4. I need to look this way (in other words I'm expected to look this way). All of these seem to be good reasons, however, this idea of being outwardly beautiful in all aspects has been pounded into our heads basically since the day that we were born. So I discovered that my reasons for getting dressed up just a little for the day were as follows. 1. I was going to work 2. That night was date night and I wanted to look nice for my man. 3. I just felt like it. 4. I had dressed in sweat/yoga pants and tee/sweatshirt most of the week and well people were starting to mention it.
BINGO! Reason number 4 is the epitome of why I feel the need to dress up most of the times. I should look nice and professional when going to work that is expected of ALL who enter the work field. Date night is a big and well I don't want to ever feel like I should stop dressing up for him. And sometimes yes I have the time and just the desire to look a little nicer than normal. But mostly I get tired of everyone looking at me like I'm some kind of freak for not wearing a pair of buckle jeans and a fancy top every single day. I feel judged and in that I become self conscious and all my insecurities that I had as a teen flood back into my brain. I know you all know what I mean by the insecurities we gain in high school. But what bugs me the most about this obsession is that we, even as Christians, tend to care more about our outward self than our inner self.
We wake up a little later than planned and skip our morning devotions and justify it by saying I'll do it this afternoon (and we all know sometimes that attitude does mean it won't happen that day at all). Or we forget to send up a quick prayer for our day and for those we love. This isn't just something that I have observed. It's been me. I have been so obsessed with this idea of outward beauty and the attention that I got from wearing the nice clothes and having my makeup done, but I sacrificed more of my daily growth in relationship with Christ and my character development than in the end I was willing to sacrifice. Now I'm not saying that this is everyone. You could be very well dressed and still have a great relationship with the Lord and props to you, but quit looking your nose down at the person wearing sweats and a band tee to class in the morning. You can dress for success all you want but don't let your attitude become one of superiority. I have seen this happen many times and have been hurt by people that I thought truly cared for me because they commented on the fact that I could dress better. To the girl who calls her body a temple and so she should decorate it as David did; you can make the outside of your temple as ornate and colorful as you want, but God doesn't care so much about what you use to decorate the temple. He care much more about what goes on inside the temple: your thoughts, actions, the state of your heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 says "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.'” Now in this case God was speaking about King Saul. You see his heart had become hardened and bitter towards God and he was no longer living a life that reflected where his kingship came from. So God took it away. Saul was afraid of losing his thrown to a mere shepherd boy and he allowed his heart to become angry at David he became so angry he tried to kill him more than once. And when Saul was presented as king the bible mentions that Saul was a handsome man, but as we later see his character and his heart were not so good looking. So look inside yourself are you letting your outward appearance dictate your life and your attitude and maybe ever your relationship with God and others?
Beauty is something that we all deal with and have insecurities about, and the crazy part is that I realized that its not just teens and young adults. This is an issues that breaches any generational gap. You see I have been called to change the culture of our world. I don't know if I will be alive to see the outcome of the movement God puts in motion through me, but I do know that something has got to change. This is my passion. Showing the world that beauty is not makeup caked onto a girls face or having a waist that if you turned side ways you seem to disappear. No beauty is your character. Beauty is love, grace, passion, kindness, loyalty, the attitude you take towards daily life, the way you allow circumstance to shape and effect you. Beauty is found in character and that beauty outshines a girl who looks like a supermodel with a bad attitude any day. So my challenge to you: Quit looking at people as what you see on the outside. I dare you to look into the eyes of someone who you may not think is outwardly very pretty or handsome and discover what you will find in their heart.
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4
Friday, October 25, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Searching the Soul: Dealing with Anxiety
How often do you find yourself worrying about they very same thing over and over again? How often have you found that you had already dealt with said worry, but for some reason it has resurfaced? Ever wonder why? I know I have.
Hopefully we can discover that answer together.
If there is one thing I have learned about my anxiety its this:
1) My anxiety is seeded in the fact that I have no control over the situation
2) My lack of trust in people and at times God.
I have a hard time letting go. Now I tend to have a general trust in people; that they will do the right thing or that their intentions are good. But when it comes to dealing with struggles, hurts, finances, etc. I find it much harder to trust that anyone could do it. Basically, if I don't do it there is no way it will turn out right.
What a way to live right?!?!
Actually, it's rather exhausting.
You see as humans we were never meant to carry all of our "issues" by ourselves.
1 Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your anxiety (or cares) on him because he cares for you."
Galatians 6:2 says "Carry each others burdens, and in this way you fulfill the law of Christ."
* now this does not mean we are not meant to carry our own load, we cannot pass off our cares and burdens and hurts, no they will always be there. However, we are to share in community with our brothers and sisters so that they may intercede for us. We must remain accountable to those around us.
We were never meant to do life alone. That in itself was made apparent when God created Eve for Adam.
However, if you are anything like me, you tend to forget you are not alone. Oh trust me, in my heart I know I have people around me who love me and would do anything for me and a God who never leaves nor forsakes me. But something in my head trumps what my heart knows in these times. This is when I become anxious and worry more than I need to. Yes, there is what I like to call healthy worry. For if we never had a care or worry in the world, how can we exercise trust?
So how do we deal with worry? How do you turn off the worry switch and begin to trust and rely on God?
Well to be honest you cannot turn off the worry, but you can lessen the power in hold over your emotions. (and please don't even try to tell me worry does not take hold of your emotions because it does!!)
If you are worried here are a few things to try:
1) Pray about it. Let God know what's on your mind, trust me he is probably the best listener I've ever met! Plus he is the only one who can truly do anything about it.
2) Share your fears, troubles, anxiety, hurts, etc. with a mentor or a close friend who can keep you accountable. So when you have the same worry again they can remind you of what the Lord has already done for you!! (I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend who reminds me daily how the Lord takes care of it better than I can, especially if I'm just going to sit there and worry about it)
3) Grab your Bible and a notebook. Write down what it is that seems to be plaguing your mind then begin to search the Word for a word of encouragement, I bet you may even find an answer in there!! Be sure to write down the verse and maybe even thing about committing it to memory!! Who knows when that one verse will be handy.
There you have it. Now I cannot say I remember to do these things whenever I am anxious about really anything so I'm kinda preaching to the choir here, but I'm hoping that sharing it with you will be a continuous reminder to me!!
Ashley S Helgeson
Hopefully we can discover that answer together.
If there is one thing I have learned about my anxiety its this:
1) My anxiety is seeded in the fact that I have no control over the situation
2) My lack of trust in people and at times God.
I have a hard time letting go. Now I tend to have a general trust in people; that they will do the right thing or that their intentions are good. But when it comes to dealing with struggles, hurts, finances, etc. I find it much harder to trust that anyone could do it. Basically, if I don't do it there is no way it will turn out right.
What a way to live right?!?!
Actually, it's rather exhausting.
You see as humans we were never meant to carry all of our "issues" by ourselves.
1 Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your anxiety (or cares) on him because he cares for you."
Galatians 6:2 says "Carry each others burdens, and in this way you fulfill the law of Christ."
* now this does not mean we are not meant to carry our own load, we cannot pass off our cares and burdens and hurts, no they will always be there. However, we are to share in community with our brothers and sisters so that they may intercede for us. We must remain accountable to those around us.
We were never meant to do life alone. That in itself was made apparent when God created Eve for Adam.
However, if you are anything like me, you tend to forget you are not alone. Oh trust me, in my heart I know I have people around me who love me and would do anything for me and a God who never leaves nor forsakes me. But something in my head trumps what my heart knows in these times. This is when I become anxious and worry more than I need to. Yes, there is what I like to call healthy worry. For if we never had a care or worry in the world, how can we exercise trust?
So how do we deal with worry? How do you turn off the worry switch and begin to trust and rely on God?
Well to be honest you cannot turn off the worry, but you can lessen the power in hold over your emotions. (and please don't even try to tell me worry does not take hold of your emotions because it does!!)
If you are worried here are a few things to try:
1) Pray about it. Let God know what's on your mind, trust me he is probably the best listener I've ever met! Plus he is the only one who can truly do anything about it.
2) Share your fears, troubles, anxiety, hurts, etc. with a mentor or a close friend who can keep you accountable. So when you have the same worry again they can remind you of what the Lord has already done for you!! (I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend who reminds me daily how the Lord takes care of it better than I can, especially if I'm just going to sit there and worry about it)
3) Grab your Bible and a notebook. Write down what it is that seems to be plaguing your mind then begin to search the Word for a word of encouragement, I bet you may even find an answer in there!! Be sure to write down the verse and maybe even thing about committing it to memory!! Who knows when that one verse will be handy.
There you have it. Now I cannot say I remember to do these things whenever I am anxious about really anything so I'm kinda preaching to the choir here, but I'm hoping that sharing it with you will be a continuous reminder to me!!
Ashley S Helgeson
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Am I Good Enough?
This question has plagued me for years and has caused me to work hard for a position I could never achieve. At least not on my own. This blog with hopefully help not only me work through this question, and other like it, but hopefully others as well.
I grew up believing that as long as I could reach the expectations laid out for me as the eldest child, a student, a Christian, and even just a person, I would be happy and feel complete. However, I learned that those expectations weren't always realistic and in the end I was tired, hurting, and really at the end of my rope. Being at the end of the rope really caused me to look at myself in a different light, and not always a good one. You see I began to ask questions like: Am I enough? Am I ever going to be truly happy? Does anyone care that I'm hurting? Can anyone see me for me? Oh I had all the head knowledge that I had gained as a Christian. Oh I knew that God saw my hurts and my needs, but I couldn't figure out why I felt as though I was invisible to everyone for that matter.
I haven't had the easiest life, but I can tell you its been way easier than a lot of other people's. But my struggles and my hurts and the victories are what have defined me. They have caused me to begin searching myself, to break down walls, and begin to see life again, but that soul searching has also led me on a quest throughout the Word of God in order to answer those questions and hide that answer in my heart and hopefully help someone else find the answer
So Am I Enough? Better yet, Am I Good Enough?
The answer I found in short was no. I am not. Not alone. I am limited. I am human. And thus imperfect.
Have you ever felt like no matter what you do it's not enough? Yea me too. Even with the answer to the question I still try so hard to do all that I can to BE enough.
Philippians 4: 13 says: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
In science we learn that there are some reactions in chemicals or in experiments that need a push or a helping hand to achieve the end chemical equation or the looked for result. This push is also known as a catalyst. Well in this case we are the unfinished equation and the catalyst we need is Christ. We cannot be the finished element without Him. Now is the finished element perfect, yes because Christ is perfect. So does that make me perfect? Absolutely not. I wouldn't be anywhere near perfection without the catalyst, without Christ.
So was the first chemical (me) enough? Actually it was just enough so that the catalyst could work. I know this may seem kind of contradictory, but bear with me. You see the chemical itself was not enough to do the job that needed to be done. It was incomplete and thus not good enough. However, the reaction could not be complete if the chemical the catalyst mixed with was not enough concentrate or too much. So you had to have enough of the chemical and the catalyst for the reaction to become the equation.
What I learned through all of this was summed up in another bible verse: Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith- and this not from yourself it is the gift of God."
I, myself could never achieve the goal of being good enough for anything on my own. Only with the help of my perfect catalyst Jesus Christ could I ever been good enough or even close to good enough. And yet in my imperfection I was chosen to become enough to do the job set before me. But I'm not alone and I can't do it by myself, but I sure can do my very best with what I have been given and I have been given the very best. I've been given the love, joy, hope, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control to do every task because of my faith in my catalyst Jesus Christ.
So am I enough? No, not alone. But I'm just enough for the Lord to do his work in and through me. No matter where I am or what I've done or even been through. I'm just enough so that my catalyst can push me through to being perfect. It's not a fast process either. This catalyst takes its time and refines the chemicals to make it perfect.
I grew up believing that as long as I could reach the expectations laid out for me as the eldest child, a student, a Christian, and even just a person, I would be happy and feel complete. However, I learned that those expectations weren't always realistic and in the end I was tired, hurting, and really at the end of my rope. Being at the end of the rope really caused me to look at myself in a different light, and not always a good one. You see I began to ask questions like: Am I enough? Am I ever going to be truly happy? Does anyone care that I'm hurting? Can anyone see me for me? Oh I had all the head knowledge that I had gained as a Christian. Oh I knew that God saw my hurts and my needs, but I couldn't figure out why I felt as though I was invisible to everyone for that matter.
I haven't had the easiest life, but I can tell you its been way easier than a lot of other people's. But my struggles and my hurts and the victories are what have defined me. They have caused me to begin searching myself, to break down walls, and begin to see life again, but that soul searching has also led me on a quest throughout the Word of God in order to answer those questions and hide that answer in my heart and hopefully help someone else find the answer
So Am I Enough? Better yet, Am I Good Enough?
The answer I found in short was no. I am not. Not alone. I am limited. I am human. And thus imperfect.
Have you ever felt like no matter what you do it's not enough? Yea me too. Even with the answer to the question I still try so hard to do all that I can to BE enough.
Philippians 4: 13 says: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
In science we learn that there are some reactions in chemicals or in experiments that need a push or a helping hand to achieve the end chemical equation or the looked for result. This push is also known as a catalyst. Well in this case we are the unfinished equation and the catalyst we need is Christ. We cannot be the finished element without Him. Now is the finished element perfect, yes because Christ is perfect. So does that make me perfect? Absolutely not. I wouldn't be anywhere near perfection without the catalyst, without Christ.
So was the first chemical (me) enough? Actually it was just enough so that the catalyst could work. I know this may seem kind of contradictory, but bear with me. You see the chemical itself was not enough to do the job that needed to be done. It was incomplete and thus not good enough. However, the reaction could not be complete if the chemical the catalyst mixed with was not enough concentrate or too much. So you had to have enough of the chemical and the catalyst for the reaction to become the equation.
What I learned through all of this was summed up in another bible verse: Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith- and this not from yourself it is the gift of God."
I, myself could never achieve the goal of being good enough for anything on my own. Only with the help of my perfect catalyst Jesus Christ could I ever been good enough or even close to good enough. And yet in my imperfection I was chosen to become enough to do the job set before me. But I'm not alone and I can't do it by myself, but I sure can do my very best with what I have been given and I have been given the very best. I've been given the love, joy, hope, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control to do every task because of my faith in my catalyst Jesus Christ.
So am I enough? No, not alone. But I'm just enough for the Lord to do his work in and through me. No matter where I am or what I've done or even been through. I'm just enough so that my catalyst can push me through to being perfect. It's not a fast process either. This catalyst takes its time and refines the chemicals to make it perfect.
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